Tuesday 13 March 2012

Crank (Brothers) it up

Ok, so now the training starts in earnest...

...It should have started in November but I've been a waster and had various broken and burned bits. That's a typically melodramatic presentation of things from me, but at least I had to be a brave wee soldier for a while.

Winter has passed me by in a virtual flurry of running and cross training. It hasn't been a waste as I feel fit and reasonably strong, but now I need to turn myself back into a cycling bod again.

I've mentioned the rides that are coming for 2012 in recent posts and on Facebook.

They've changed in format for this year.

Instead of going long, we're going lumpy and gnarly...

... And long.

To aid in this little adventure, which will have a little twist in it too, I've gone back to a nice light pedal with a good platform: just in case I'm trying to clip in whilst I'm bricking it.

You can probably find a wee slip that gives a small insight to the "twist" in another post.

I've been using Joanne's candy and eggbeaters since July, and now I have my own, courtesy of Crank Brothers and 2pure.

In fact the new design of pedals have left me with a bit of a quandary as I have developed my own endurance and efficiency based cycling insoles. I'm proud to say that they are well ahead of the game in the biomechanics world.

I love my insoles as they helped me get my World Record without the normal ishaemic and biomechanical issues that can hit us on long rides.

The "trouble" is that the new platform means that I need much less control as it's provided without the need of my fancy insoles. My other pedals, that I used to use, just didn't provide the same level of support.

Watch this space as we reveal more news on our rides. I'm planning on doing a couple of 12 hour races but they are purely to set me up for the big 'un in September.

For now, look at these lovely pedals on my spare training bike.

Nice aren't they?

I'll tell you how to use the tread plate spacers for biomechanical problems, if you like, at some point soon.

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