Sunday 8 November 2009

Piecing it back together

I had a scan this week, and all appears fine. That means more tests, but I'm used to that so it doesn't worry me. I'll have 2 or 3 days off of training at the end of the month for scope investigations, but that's fine too.

But I'm starting to feel a bit better now and managed to get out for some exercise this weekend.

I don't run because my knees are older than me. But I fancied a little run in my new offroad shoes, so Jo took me around Cwmcarn on the singletrack. The climbs were great, but I forgot just how much the downhills and the eccentric loading caused by that were going to hurt...

...Jo laughed at me!

In fact, she laughed at me for the rest of the day as I hobbled around the house, in pain.

She laughed even more at 7am today as I struggled to get up and get down the stairs.

Laughed like a drain, she did.

So she took me out for a ride with our old friends from Rush Cycles in Bridgend, to suss out part of an enduro that they have planned for next year. I was ok on the bike after about 30mins and after an hour I could stand up without wincing at my quads pain.

3 1/2 hours later and I felt great. Then I got off of my bike, and all of my abject and painful misery returned.

I made it to the cafe. The council cafe in Afan is the best around there and it was nice to have a proper milky coffee. Afterwards, I struggled to get to the car.

Running is a stupid idea.

But I enjoyed it!!

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