Sunday 25 October 2009

Just get on with it.

This last 2 weeks has been kind of slow. I've hardly been on the bike as I've been trying to recover from both Relentless24, and a touch of jaundice that I suffered after the race.

I did do a cyclo-cross race today, though, and got thoroughly trounced. They go scary fast right from the start. It was superb fun and I'm hooked. I'll never be any good at it, but hope that it will give me a quicker start in long events that I prefer to ride.

Must buy a bike.

Time to reflect...

... My body is a bit of a wreck and shows some scars. But cycling is now my lifeline as I can do it, quite well, without pain or problems unless of course I do a 12 or 24 solo. They hurt, no matter what.

In one of my old jobs they used to call me "The Highlander" because they reckoned I should be 200years old to gain the experiences in life I have had. I liked that.

Since my illness (at 23 to 24 1/2), subsequent recovery and rebuilding, I've done more than my fair share of sports, pastimes and Higher Education and they have taken a fair toll on my body. I was busy before that, but there is nothing that gives you a "live each day like it's your last" attitude than getting close to the day where people worry about your longevity, to increase your need for experiences.

Applying yourself fully to various things can make Mr Average look a bit bigger than he may be, but he is still Mr Average. It took me a long time to "find" cycling, and this is where I'll stay.

I loves it.

Would I change anything in my past? The Illness? The multiple surgeries? The Chemo? The sports?

Nope. It's made me who I am, and I think I'm doing well now.

Well,I suppose I could do with having my nice shoulder and arm muscles back, from my earlier days, but then I'd have to lug them about on the bike!

Now all I need to do is get over this wee sporadic illness which I think may see me having surgery, again.

Hopefully it'll be quick, as I have training to do.

That's a pretty melancholic entry, but I'm in a reflective mood.

You really gotta try CX!!

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