Wednesday 20 May 2009

The Recovery

This post is late, sorry. I thought I had published it...

What a week and weekend I have just had.

Recovering from my snot monster impersonations, I waited until Thursday and Friday to do my efforts. Recovery and endurance rides were the order of the day so that I didn't stress my lungs and cause another bronchospasm attack-- They ain't nice.

So I did my efforts, and didn't feel too shabby. The work done was quality, and I realised that my core work has paid off. (Functional movement training- I hate the term "Core" as it's sooo last year now). It's now easy to maintain a motionless upper body even at 100% effort on a hill climb with your legs, glutes and stomach muscles screaming at you to stop.

I love it.

Friday night, and I drove up to Morpeth to provide transport and last minute mental diversion for Julio. He was doing his English Coast to Coast attempt on the Saturday.

Like mine, this was unsupported and Alpine.

The poor little entertainer only weighs about 2stone wet through, and he had to carry all his kit on his back and in the crevices of his bike.

So, Charlotte (his suffering wife) and I dropped him off in St. Bees head.

The wind was Howling, and it was in his face.

I would have thrown the teddies then, but he didn't.

Off he sets at 12pm, with his back tyre on back to front: I didn't tell him, because that would have messed with his head.

Into the headwind, and gathering cloud.

We then started my computer to allow us to navigate using my mapping software...

...Broken computer, wouldn't start.

Uh Oh!

Charlotte and I swore at it for a while and then I realised that she was quite a devious Lady.

She knew Rich's log in for his hotmail account.

So we downloaded the attachment he had sent to me: his coast to coast file. We then scouted around the net for a program to allow us to view the file on a mappy thing.

It sounds simple, but it took ages to figure it out, but before doing this we had to pop to Rich's Dad's house to borrow his laptop.


So we were now able to see where he was going to ride. This would enable us to take gnarly photo's of him for posterity. Well, it would have done, if we could keep up with him.

We saw him once in Shap, and again in the Dales. That was it.

The weather was horrible. He had to push his bike for miles, and carry it up and down some of the Lakeland hills because they are so gnarly.

And wet.


He did it!

With the 10-15mph head wind which was gusty, and the almost permanent rain- he did it in 28 and a half hours.

He still had his teddies when he finished too.


So I dropped them off at home (2hrs away from Robin Hoods Bay) then ate some food and shut my eyes for about 30 min.

6hr drive home.

5hrs sleep all weekend, I think.

Jo had to come and rescue me at Leeds. I couldn't make it home, so she jumped on a train and came to get me.

It was at this point that I was actually losing my faculties, so she saved my life and my sanity.

Monday and Tuesday were a waste of time. But at least coach Chris understood. He's a top coach and affable fella.

Back to full time training now: back into endurance mode after an extensive period of breathing out of my ears on the bike.

I think my mental endurance had a good bit of acclimation this weekend mind you!

1 comment:

Rich Rothwell said...

And the moral of this story? Always ignore the instructions on your sidewalls! Cheers for all your help Dave.