Monday 11 May 2009

I told you I was ill.

I've had a nice week of snot and coughing.

Like all wanabees, I rode my bike a bit too much and suffered for it, so I gave up. There's no point in stressing about it when you get ill, you just have to deal with it and keep yourself motivate to do other things...

...except mow the lawns.

Jo MADE me mow the lawns this weekend. Grass and I don't get on well. I was coughing and spluttering even more after that.

Anyway. Sunday dawned bright and sunny and I felt able to go out on an easy 4.5hr ride. It was done around the rooty techfest of Rudry Woods after I finally managed to get out with the Miggly Moos for the first time in about a year. Great guys.

They didn't laugh when I cocked up a simple 3ft rock drop...


I blew my front tyre off of the rim, which is a new one on me. Unfortunately it happened because I fell off and didn't cause the off.

After I finished with them, I met Jo and we rode for another 2hrs whilst we praticed our roots, and sorted out a loop through the bluebells and wild garlic for 24hr practice. She did some steep stuff that she hadn't done for a long time, so we both felt great after that.

Next we rode over to visit Matt Cope and photograper friends. They wanted to practice shooting riders in woods, so we headed up to Gwaelod-y-Garth and spent a few hours being luvvies with a few other friends.

It was turning out to be a good day!

Jo did some more really steep and techy stuff, so we felt even better, compounded by my spending 6hrs 45min on the bike, and my feeling ok.

The lady done good

The shots that the guys took were awesome so I'll have to see if I can get a hold of a couple.

Right then.

It's back to full on training again after a recovery ride tonight.

Rich is doing his England Coast To Coast and I'm going along to provide support and driver duties for before and after the event. He's going unsupported like I did on mine.

Go on Son!!

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