Saturday 22 November 2008

Marvellous Day!

What a day!

My friend Matt and I went up to Sugar Loaf by Llandrindod Wells today on the train.

That was kind of exciting, and I felt a bit like a kid in a sweet shop for a while, until a walker came up to us as we stood next to our bikes. He fiddled in his hill bag, which he probably called a rucksack :), and said, "I hope you aren't going to be riding footpaths today?"

I had been picking my nose, scratching my bum and generally minding my own business. It took most of my professional composure and reserve to be civil to the bombardier, but I managed. I told him why I had a satmap on my bars, and that we were only interested in legal routes.

He started on about horses, then. Sigh.

The Train conductor let us off of the train saying, "This is only the 2nd time I've stopped here in 6 years." I felt excited again and a bit special.

We rode from there and tested out two routes to a forestry section, then stuck with the original one I had mapped on the satmap. It was at that point that we headed over to the Sennybridge training area and realised that we had to change a bit of the route. Unfortunately this means about 3 miles more of road riding, to skirt the area. I'm struggling to get any feedback from the MOD as to the likelihood of the route I want to use being ok for the myriad (or a few) riders that I hope do this route in the future.

It's all about making the route futureproof.

It's all sorted from Llandrindod to Cardiff Castle now. Woo Hoo!

We then went on to ride a route that Matt is planning for an Enduro. And I, err, fell off and hurt my bum and ankle. Never mind.

Big day, really.

We saw two Red Kites and loads of wildlife today too. What a ride!

1 comment:

Rich Rothwell said...

I got sick of having to explain myself to these prejudice and biggoted types a long time ago. Why should we even have to answer to idiots like this! Or my favourite; turn it around and ask 'I trust you are not going to tresspass on private land today?' He's a walker; he might!