Wednesday 22 October 2008

Good Days!

I got my spare Team bike for next year and spent the whole night fettling, when I should have been training lightly, and changing the contact points. The Azure looks nice, and that's what I'm all about. The green Team issue Ergon Grips look just the part and nearly match the ironhorse-extreme colour scheme.

We also took delivery of the Satmap Active10 and a bunch of goodies to keep it running for hours and hours. I just HAD to use it on the drive home from work and the ride in today! It's easy to use, which is good for me, because I find techy things difficult to operate when I've been awake for over 24hrs. That's kind of an important point when we talk about WC2C, I suppose.

The ride in? 14 days exactly since having "some work done."

Well, my leg is officially on the way up. I couldn't manage (and didn't try) to hit the high(ish) watts for sweet spot training that I'm meant to. That will come in two weeks, once I'm all better and properly healed. But it felt good to get out, get mown down by a bus, cut up by a car and spat at by a schoolgirl! All within a 25mile ride!

Must have been my silver shoes that did it.

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