Tuesday 23 June 2009

How do you beat that!?

Mountain Mayhem 2009.

Jo, my long suffering other half and our mate, Matt were on the solo race list. There were also lots of other good names there, just to make sure that the racing was exciting.

It didn't fail to impress...

...and I'm knackered, still. I didn't even ride my bike.

Matt won, after a proper nail biting final 6hrs, but it had been A tense race all of the way through since the lead kept swapping back and forward as he made sure he knew what strategy to use in the end. It worked, enough said. He was awesome, and inspiring.


Well, she was awesome too. Stalwart pig headedness saw her let some of the "fast" folk shoot off, fall back and drop out.

She also managed to show me up with respect to the amount of food that she can put away during a race. She still surprised me with her ability to eat hotdogs at 16 and 20 hours into the ride. I wish I could do that.

Jo was 2nd, and now has a lovely pair of Crank Bros Cobalt wheels to show for her toils.

I like 'em. I wonder if she'd notice if I swapped them over.

Rob turned up after work with Matt from Certini and brought the new Team Lights. Maxx2Daddy and Joystick Maxx2. 6 sets!

Jo used them all, we just kept changing them every lap as she filled her face. Full power; singeing the trees. Marvellous. She didn't even notice us changing the lights over! Miss Focussed, or what?

The Exposure lights that Rory has sorted out for us are well blinged up. Chrome ends, with our names in place of the light designation. Mine are the Maxx2 DAVE.

I like those too!

After the race, I went up to "Rory" in his South Downs Racing shirt, and said thanks for the lights, and that they were superb. He looked at me funny. I said, "I'm Dave off of the Ironhorse-Extreme Team." His look remained unchanged, and I heard him say, "I've never seen him before in my life."

I kept digging, "You even sent me a text to congratulate me on my C2C."

It wasn't him. It sort of looked like him, but was blatantly not. I felt like a right weapon. The South Downs Shirt denoted the guy as coming from around the same area, so that just confused me at 30hrs into the day without sleep.


I tried to find the real Rory, instead of this imposter and usurper of my devoted thanks, but he had disappeared.

Training hasn't been great this week as I have a little bug. But before it hit me I managed a 3 1/4hr ride on the roadie, with stupid one sided road pedals, and managed an average of 20.5mph.

So this will be a light week, and weekend, just to make sure I am illness free.


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